Monday, February 22, 2010


Hellooo Dahlings =)

Right just to put it out there...I'm NOT making an attack on skinny men or skinny-jean-wearing-guys...this is a BLOG people..not the law,simply my opinion so if you get offended...seriously fuck off and get a life. For me anyway, i like wearing skinny doesn't mean i like men to wear them. It also doesn't mean i think they shouldn't wear them either! It also doesn't mean I've a thing against skinny guys!So now that that's settled...

I once heard that you should never date a guy who's jeans are too small for you... thinking about it i can actually see the logic! A guy who wears skinnier jeans than you technically makes him smaller than you...which on many occasions can get awkward....

(1) I always find that guys have this weird infatuation about picking girls up.... is it just me or does that freak the shit out of anyone else? if someone tries to pick me up (kudos for getting me off the floor for starters) i will automatically hit them in the closest, most harmful place possible in order to be reunited with the ground. It's just a reaction. If a skinny guy tries to pick me up, he will most likely fall over ultimately leading to him being squashed or he will put his back out. Now as embarrassing and painful that is for our skinny guy how BAD do you think the girl who just flattened him feels?!!! SCARLETT!! Or in worst case scenario..being picked up during sex and flattening him will probably lead to more than his sex drive being crushed! (has never happened to me thank God...just to put it out there! LOL )

(2) Personally I'm already self-conscious enough about sitting on a guy's knee...but if you can feel his bones through your ample ghetto bootay (in my case) it is HIGHLY uncomfy and i always feel like telling him to get the fuck up an sit on my knee... Not only do i spend the entire time "perching" so as not to crush the skinny-jean-wearing delicate frame I'm sure the guy is trying not to make sounds of agony.... Not sexy OR fun....

(3) Does anyone else feel bad when you're with a group of men and you polish off a whole pizza but they struggle to get to the last slice? (happened today...PATHETIC lads, pathetic..hungover or not..) Or when you realise you couldn't get an arm down the leg of their jeans let alone a whole leg?!!! Slightly confidence crushing AND EMBARRASSING! It's not good when you feel MAHOOSIVE even when men are present! Physically men are "supposed" to be the bigger of the two genders...and in most cases it's true....MOST...actually tbh I'd say i weigh more than many of the guys i know! lol XD meh oh well...i loves ma foood =)

(4) Are skinny jeans the equivalent of men wearing skin-tight tights in the olden days? So you can see what they're packing before you marry them or get involved? Personally...i don't see how MUCH could fit into skinny least comfortably!!! i mean, are they not a little...err....restricting?! Do men not look at other men who wear skinny jeans and inwardly recoil and think "OUCH"?! Is that the reason why skinny-jean-wearing-guys walk funny? Does something HURT? Or is that just a limp you've got going on there?!

SKINNY AND SKINNY-JEANS- are you real men?...or just really uncomfy?
Please invest in a pair of baggies? For your circulation's sake if nothing else!!

Love Your One And Only PitBitch

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