Monday, February 22, 2010

Go Eat A Muffin

Hellooo honeys =)

I was trying to think of what to write for my next blog when my sister suggested the on-going debate on which muffin flavour is the best (random i know)... so as we debated out the politics of the yummiest muffin flavour (i'm for blueberry, she's for toffee) i got to thinking about how many people would never even contemplate eating a muffin due to the high fat content. I mean how sad is that? i actaully pity those people, the ones who look in the mirror and see their body totally out of context. Everyone has those days where you feel like you look shit in everything no matter what you put on....on those days i for one hit the comfort food with a vengance but i do feel better..eventually!

But what about those people who can't even rely on comfort food for a pick me up? the people who look at food and automatically see the calories instead of nutritional value.. I don't know about you, but two of my bestfriends were like that. They failed to see the strong, sexy, beautiful, intelligent women they are and instead, focused on all the things they thought were wrong with themselves....What kind of a life is that? An everyday struggle to remain skinny? like for what?! Clothes may look and fit better (they sure as hell don't make jeans to fit ghetto bootay like mine) and guys stare more, but do they even realise stuff like that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things? How can they give up's my FAVOURITE passtime!!!??

I watched my friends as they became thinner and first i just thought that they were simply slimming but as it progressed i knew in the back of my mind what was going on. When they finally told me i'd already found it out for myself...the worst thing was they nearly seemed ashamed at telling me which is completely ridiculous! i watched as their life fell around them and i did nothing....What could i do except be there for them when they were recovering?...if i'd copped on sooner maybe i could have done something to prevent it but that's not how it went or how it ever's always too late.

Seeing people that starve themselves to become skinnier actually pisses me off so much...i always have the severe urge to shove a big mac down their throats and then make them drink a litre of coke! I just can't comprehend why people would do that to themselves or how they have such low self esteem that they feel they NEED to be skinnier. There are healthy ways of loosing weight...for the people who have been living in a box these past few years -its called EXCERCISE!! Try it! it's alot more fun than starvation!

For some it's a control issue, they feel they have no hold over anything except what they eat....why not get a pet and control what IT eats?! that's surely a safer and healthier way than half killing yourself from lack of food!!!

But how do you know when it's gone too far?The point when they can't get out of bed for more than a few hours at a time, when normal bodily functions stop,when hair falls out,when even the smallest clothes are too that when people with eating disorders realise that they have an ILLNESS and not a DIET?!

Luckily my friends have fully recovered but i remember them saying it's something they're going to have to deal with for their whole lives. It doesn't just go away...there will always be those bad thoughts in the back of their minds everytime they eat, but i know how strong and capable they are and they've come so far from those times.

So people i'll leave you and love you with a little message...go eat a muffin, then a bar of chocolate then a pizza..and chill. Feel good about yourself the way you are and the world will see you in a whole new way....Plus men like a lil sum-sum to grab onto :P

Eat Chocolate Forever
Love Your One And Only PitBitch

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