Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sweet Dreams..Or A Fucking Scary Nightmare

Helloooo Honeys =)

I'm one of those people who, after seeing a horror movie, will not be able to sleep at night for a good 2months after (yet i still watch them for some horrible reason...) Prime example of this was when i went to see "Halloween 2" a few months ago...ok well before Christmas. I have only JUST returned to my natural sleeping pattern after seeing that movie and yet when i hear the slightest noise i automatically jump to the conclusion that there's some mentally fucked up person about to come after me with a knife....(yes my imagination DOES need a well deserved break...)The few days after i had seen the movie were the didn't matter that my boyfriend was sleeping right beside me, i just couldn't sleep for fear of being murdered. I even made him check every room in the apartment before bed and as much as i love him it didn't help at all that i kept thinking he wouldn't stand much chance against a knife wielding killer, therefore i had NO hope at all. =/ So let's just say i didn't sleep for the next two months... but i DID buff up on all my movies =) you'd be surprised how much time you gain when you stop sleeping!

I've always been like this, when i was young i couldn't handle the witch in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and have repeatedly been reminded by my loving parents how i used to hide behind the couch..cheers.. Then came "The Ring"...whoever came up with these movies must have had it in mind to mentally scar me, for a good few years after that i had to cover my TV at night (pathetic i know, but i did have a friend who couldn't even bear to have a TV in his room and still can't haha)."The Grudge", "Gothica", "Exorcism of Emily Rose", "28 days later" etc, appears i don't learn my lesson and therefore have regular vivid nightmares to keep me on my toes and up all night.

Last night i had a particularly bad sleep. Apparently after the snow in Budapest comes the torrents of rain and raging wind so it wasn't exactly the quietest of nights. The wind, at some point during the night had blown one of my outer windows open and then managed to blow my bedroom door open. I was sufficiently freaked out by the dog who was doing her "stare-at hamster-unmovingly-with-little-or-no-breathing-routine" and the constant door opening for no reason with a horrible squeaky noise. But when i got up to close it for the hundredth time i heard the most unholy growling noise. I nearly shat myself, but instead of doing what any sane person would do and close the door (and possibly go in search of a weapon) i stood there like a rabbit in headlights and basically waited for the noise to show itself..i waited and it kept getting louder and changing tone. Being sleep deprived and confused i was nearly crying at this stage until i realised where the noise was actually coming from...the spare flatmate's dad was staying in the spare room...

Well i felt like a TOOL, i was still a frightened tool though. So as a safety precaution i decided to try and lock my door(don't ask me what my mind frame was last night because i woke the next morning thinking WHAT THE FUCK?!) There isn't a key for my door so without taking my eyes from the darkness beyond (and the potential killers) i searched my peripheries for something useful...what did i come up with...yep that's right...TIGHTS... So tying one leg to the door handle and tying the other to the wardrobe handle i made a..ehhh..lock of sorts. How the fuck this was supposed to stop an insane murderer getting in was beyond me, but all i knew at the time was it stopped the door from blowing open, so it worked for me!

Tonight i am hoping I'll get a better sleep, if suggestions anyone?=/

~Sweet Dreams~
Love Your One And Only PitBitch

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