Friday, December 10, 2010

The 6 Annoying People Around Exam Time

So just going to jump right in here...
We all know those people who are a real pain in the hole around exam time... The ones that can push your stressed buttons to the limit and then some. You may be the one who is calm,collected and prepared before an exam, who sits there and writes an essay faster than the Lost Causes can figure out they haven't written anything yet,,,or you may be the person frantically doing an all-nighter, who comes in the next day twitching on energy drinks and can hardly write their own name...Whichever one you are there will always be someone that will piss you off around exams...or maybe it's just me...oh well...someone's pissed me off enough to write this so here it goes XD

(1) The person who has already revised everything a month before the exam date and makes you freak out about how little you know. I'm just not sure how they do it...i mean... if they were a superhero their power would have to be do you plan a month in advance?! i can hardly be ready for something that's happening this week let alone be prepared for ANYTHING in advance,,,Do they plan their whole life around studying? I'd hate to have a plan... could never stick to a study plan...faaaar too structured! Where's the excitement? What about the challenge of a good ol' cramming session the night before? Too risqué for you? Fair enough, fair enough...i'll stick to being daring you stick to your nazi regime. You may be passing things but my life is filled with the unknown of how little study is enough study =]

(2) The person who does absolutely sweet FA but manages to pass everything. You start studying before them, finish after them, worry and care more than them yet they breeze through after reading 70 slides and pass....They're probably the luckiest fuckers you will meet...or else the BEST crammers this side of europe.... Either way you want to strangle them when they go on about how little they did and how surprised they were to pass.... i WILL garrotte you the next time it happens...i swear to all the gods of Vet School you will be punished!!!....grrrrrr......(*insert angry face)

(3) The person who keeps bringing up every little detail just after the exam making you doubt what you wrote down. We have all done it and honestly it's fine up to a point...but 2 days after they exam when you're STILL going on about it...that's when it gets irritating. No one can remember what we put down for question 2 and to be quite one fucking cares at this stage! STOP TALKING!....PLEASE?

(4) The person who makes various FB statuses (stati ?) counting down the number of exams they have left...Yes that's a good boy,oh you're so so good! You've figured out how to count! You've gone from 6 all the way down to 4 and by now you can probably figure out where you should shove exam no. 3 when you're done with it! (<-to be said as if talking to a stupid puppy dog)...I'm not quite sure why FB needs a count down of how many exams anyone has left actually i'm pretty sure no one cares...well maybe i care...just a lil...because it pisses me off...just a lil...just a tiny bit...

(5) The person who posts statuses about which exams they passed! i'm truly happy that you passed but need to rub it in...we get can pass things AND be shocked about do you want a fucking medal? YAY so you got a 15 in physiology whoop-de-doo...i am happy for you, really i am but post another status like that and i will shove that 15 so far up your a$$ you'll REALLY appreciate it!

(6) And last but not least the person who writes moany blogs about the kind of people that piss her off around exam time. You read the know who she is...and she is sorry,,,but these things just have to be said or she'll end up being the crazy girl with the shot-gun roaming the school grounds! =D

NOTE: I would just like to point out that i am of course happy for everyone who passes things. It's really great, i mean you're going places in life =] The odd time a success is posted up on FB is perfectly fine but please...we've had 8 physiology midterms..if i know what you got on every one simply from FB, you're posting waaay too much online =] Congrats though!

Good Luck With Your Exams Bitches!
Loves & Cuddles
Your One And Only PitBitch