Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hey All! =)

Seems like it's been a while!'ve probably all realised by now that i use this blog mainly to moan about things that piss me off, and it will be very apparent after just a few sentences that i am currently struggling through a mountain of organic chemistry for an EVIL EVIL midterm that is looming overhead...

I know for sure I'm not the only one feeling VERY lost at the moment while doing things like trying to figure out what the hell an " aromatic electrophillic substitution reaction" is or how exactly I'm supposed to remember all those ridiculously complicated organic chemistry structures!! For me anyway, chemistry goes WHOOOSH right over my head and any vague understanding of it stays pretty much in the realm of the impossible. it has always been like this and i think i completely confuddle both my parents who are both sciency people and look on this chemistry like a walk in the park. I recall my mother telling me before i headed off to Buda-Land that i would LOVE all my subjects, that they'd all be SO interesting... note to anyone who has yet to attend college...PARENTS LIE!!!! but then again...i think my mother was being genuinely honest seeing as she looked in delight upon my zoology notes and absolutely gushed with joy about how much fun extracting caffeine was......enough said...

It doesn't help that chemistry lectures are at the crack of dawn and motivation to attend is literally nil..and apart from the fact that i automatically tune out (NOT a good habit) i don't find they help with labs in the slightest which right now are one of the major banes of my life. Preparation for labs consists of googling EVERYTHING....a process which not only takes hours but also has me thoroughly convinced that NO ONE in the world has done the same experiments that we are doing...FML... but in reality the googling is the easy part, labs are a whole different story. In our lab we are lucky enough to be graced by the delightful presence of a certain man. Not only does he make the experience a joy but he is a pleasure to work with.......OK I'm lying. He's an absolute a$$hole with no respect for people and zilch teaching ability. I don't know if he grasps the fact that we are STUDENTS and he is the TEACHER..we don't automatically come into labs with a chemistry degree under our belt, that's what you're there for're supposed to HELP us!!!

I'd say the number of broken lab equipment and spilt chemicals have doubled in our lab, at least for me! I'm so paranoid that our darling lab instructor will come over and eat the head off me that my concentration on experiments slips. You find yourself watching where he is around the room just so you'll know when he comes near you. The worst part is at the end when they look through your lab book before they sign it. As a friend so eloquently put it, we all play Misi Bingo (the nice lab instructor). No one wants to go the prick so we all preoccupy ourselves until we see a free opening with Misi and then it's everybody for themselves. I swear someone will get hurt someday from rushing to get to him!! if you are so unfortunate to get the prick of an instructor prepare yourself for a torrent of comments that will make you feel completely retarded and make you feel like you should never have bothered spending all that time preparing for the damn lab in the first place!!

I firmly believe that man does not have an indoor voice!!! He SHOUTS everything he if that will make us suddenly know how to do chemistry! Get some manners a$$hole... I mean if we have written the equation wrong the first time just because you shout at us doesn't mean we'll suddenly have an epiphany and realise where we went wrong!! If we knew how to do the fucking thing right in the first place do you really think we would have done it wrong!?? How about EXPLAINING how it's done instead of shouting at us?? It will make us hate you less and possibly lower your blood pressure...

Sometimes i think he simply becomes infuriated that no one really gives a shit about his precious subject. I mean it's grand if you luuuurve chemistry and all, whatever floats your boat, but don't expect me to like it. And don't be so angry that i don't embrace it with open arms and ask for extra work ( seriously a girl actually does that..... someone get her laid? PLEASE?!) She's not the only one who needs a good "Wham Bam Thank You Maam". I usually don't use names in blogs but for you my dearest lab instructor I'll make an exception. Tamás...seriously you NEED to get laid or something...for ALL our sakes!!! I swear you won't hate the world so much and it will make our labs that bit easier!! So go on, take one for the team =)

There's a saying by Kong-fu Ce at the front of out lab manuals that says-

If you just say, i will forget,
If you show, i will remember,
If you let me do, i will understand.
But Tamás...
If you shout at me, i will douse you in chemicals and set you on fire......
While laughing =D

Love As Always
Your One And Only PitBitch

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