Saturday, March 20, 2010

Feeling Happy...For Some Strange Reason...

Hey Guys!! =) i kinda know my blogs are pretty negative (aka BITCHY) and moany need i go on? for once even though everyone (i know y'all read it :P ) probably doesn't want to hear about the happy things, I'm going to write about things that made me happy's only for one day people and I'll be back to my miserable old self tomorrow =)

Ok, right now it's 04.18am in Buda-Land and I'm watching The Lion King 2 =) Have to say it's one of Disney's few good sequels (also love Bambi 2)...and yes i KNOW i'm a big child but i wouldn't want to be any other way! =) Today i didn't exactly do much...i walked the dog, slept, procrastinated, watched the facebook home page, procrastinated, highlighted some physiology, procrastinated...anyway you get the drift..basically i did sweet fuck all! XD Today wasn't my best day for motivation and i know my sister is going to read this and then give off to me (did i mention she's younger than me but scares the shit out of me?! :P also she has now been proven to be eerrrr below average!! bahahaha you know i love you ) For most people today was a good day if they got through that god forsaken physiology (may it burn in hell once we're through with it...) but i know they would feel like it was a weekend wasted (just a little wasted anyway even if they do pass!) Even though i didn't get through as much of that hideously boring subject as i wanted to, i still had a pretty great day!

Got take out pizza...mmmmm.....always makes the day worth while =)was it bad that i really only wanted the bottle of coke that came with it, delivered to the house? (shops close early on a Saturday..and i wasn't walking to the 24hr...yeah I'm a lazy git..) Watched "Bridgit Jone's Diary" one of my favourite chicky flickys =) always makes me and my wobbly bits feel good (especially while stuffing my face :P )

I got to talk to my family via skype. As irritating as they can be together i miss them a fuckload! Also miss my doggie Max! He's a standard poodle who had just got his hair cut and looks like he's wearing legwarmers now!! LOL (He managed to squeak his squeaky-chicken throughout the entire conversation with my family...extremely ANNOYING!!) wow strange that the dog got a longer blurb than the family...meh ah well they're not as cute as him!!!! errr...ok getting sidetracked...

Talked to one of my best friends today, i always look forward to our messages on facebook, not only is he THE nicest guy, he is EXTREMELY intelligent, sexxii, down-to-earth and an over all amazing person (you know who you are :P and if you don't figure it out I'm going to message you anyway XD ) I got to talk briefly to my gawjus boyfriend today...kinda texted you while you were asleep (SORRY!! =$ ) but even though i know you were half catching Zs you still replied :P ( <3 ) Always makes me happeeeee XD Got to talk to friends I've never even met before but we still seem to hit it off (even if it is through the net)...THE most random conversations have come from you people!!! but that's why i loves ya, all my interesting & drunken randomers :P Good luck with your driving test!!! and sober up you crazy person, your liver hates those benders!! :P i doubt you read this though!! (pheeew!) =)

Omg!! completely forgot! it was WARM in Budapest today! WTF?!! The weather is crazy here!! extremely temperamental! but it was so nice to walk the dog and not freeze my a$$ off!! =) Also Sally (budadoggie) was super friendly today!!! loved EVERYONE she walked past (kept going up to strangers for cuddles-awkward for me, amazing for her!) so she put a smile on a good few people's faces XD

Ok,looking back on the entire seems pretty pathetic! but the little things mostly make me happier than the big...I'm probably weird that way so sue me!! ("and that's the way Sue C's it"...sorry HAD to be said!...Glee is awesome! :P ) So half watching Lion King 2 atm while writing this ...still so sad that i know ALL the words off, fuck the modern movies! best one liners are from Timon !!
-Zira: "i have dreamed of nothing else...for years"
-Timon: "boy does she need a hobby"
LOVE IT!!! hahaha!!

Soooooo....I'm going to get back to one of my favourite movies of....errr...EVER!!! Going to leave you with a little scene from Lion King 1...(purely because i love the stars and you never see them much here x] )

-Pumbaa: Hey, Timon, ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?
-Timon: Pumbaa, I don't wonder; I know.
-Pumbaa: Oh. What are they?
-Timon: They're fireflies. Fireflies that, uh... got stuck up on that big bluish-black thing.
-Pumbaa: Oh, gee. I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away.
-Timon: Pumbaa, with you, every thing's gas.

~Sweet Dreams Honeys~
Love Your One And Only PitBitch

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